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“Tra la vita e la Via, vi è la scala. Ed è soltanto per mezzo della scala che l'uomo può incamminarsi sulla Via. Inoltre, l'uomo sale questa scala con l'aiuto della sua guida; egli non può salirla da solo. La via comincia soltanto alla sommità della scala, cioè dopo l’ultimo gradino o l’ultima soglia, ad un livello molto al di sopra della vita ordinaria”. 

G. Gurdjieff

Room N°3




Room N°1


Room N°4


Room N°5


Room N°6


Room N°7


Si raccomanda l'ascolto integrale del lavoro.

Per saltare tra un brano e l'altro cliccare sulla riga rossa del player in corrispondenza delle righe verticali dei titoli.








SACRALE is a musical composition that tells in seven parts called "stanzas", the sensorial experience of those who have experienced a path of spiritual evolution. The SACRAL, specifically, is the imaginary construction within which this journey is recalled through participation in the concert or through listening to the audio recording.  What is described by music is a process of transformation which in reality, and in musical transfiguration, faces contrasts and openings, shadows of mnemonic visions and sudden glimpses of clarity, fears, uncertainties, glances towards what is at the same time on this side and beyond the senses. It is the story of a fragment of research erected in the middle of the desert of things and suspended between the contradictions, complexities and mystery of human existence.


SACRALE did not follow a specific musical form but preferred the sum of different languages. To be credible, the composition work often had to bend to the narrative needs of the project and it took three years to obtain a satisfactory product both on an evocative and stylistic/formal level. Each of the seven parts that make up the project was written to capture the essence of a specific experience. It was a matter of carrying out a complex translation operation because music does not evoke anything beyond itself, it cannot describe an internal state with precision, it must leave the objective level and pass through the poetic and symbolic level before returning to the creative process. Only continuous changes in perspective have allowed the work to be what it is today, to transform from a purely live experience to a recording project.


The sound of SACRALE is the report of a research aimed at opening an internal dialogue towards oneself and an external dialogue towards the listeners so that both can be involved in the same process of re-enactment of the sensorial experience. This research ended up influencing both aesthetic and instrumental choices. The apparent complexity of the acoustic and electronic interweavings is the result of a synthesis that sought to make the listening journey at least understandable and simple to internalize. Defining sound as the essential vehicle of SACRALE's message may seem trivial but it is precisely in the mixture of the timbral components that much of the composition work was concentrated: to tell of interior states through the chromatic combination of musical colours.


The psychological and physical space in SACRALE overlap to reconstruct the sensorial aspects of the evolutionary experience. It is a work that encourages an internal gaze, which is nourished by a special relationship with the public. The concert is structured to be a transformative and totally immersive experience and those who participated immediately grasped this quality. The concerts performed to date have mainly been held in sacred places, spectacular environments from a scenographic and significant point of view: abbeys, churches, monasteries, ancient places of worship, historic theatres. All this so that the environment could enhance the process of estrangement that sound stimulates in the listener. It is one of the reasons that always influences the selection of live venues and one of the reasons that transforms the concert into a profound and multi-sensory experience.


Scarica la brochure

sacredis a project byMarco BassottiAndJohn Ferris.

Music byMarco Bassottiwith the support of John Ferris.


Marco Bassotti: keyboard instruments, guitar, sound design, programming

John Ferris: alto sax, wind instruments


With participation createstive and executive of:

Simone Giorgini: contrabass

Jacopo Matia Mariotti: cello

Francesco Savoretti: Mediterranean percussions, electronics


Registered between June 2022 and January 2023. 



Marco Bassotti

+39 348 3231246


© SACRALE is a work deposited with Soundreef and is currently under observation with international record labels.  In any case, it is recommended NOT TO DISSEMINATE IT IN ANY WAY and NOT TO USE IT for other purposes than that of listening to a personal evaluation.

Thank you.

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