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PIN-EYE, literally PIN-EYE, is the name that the famous puppet wanted to use to give herself an arrogant international tone and distance herself from the story told by Mr. Collodi. According to him, the Tuscan author would have lied shamelessly about the real nature of the facts, reporting insignificant details in the story for the sole purpose of fattening his pockets and winning the sympathy of powerful and women easy to abandonment and adultery._cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

Therefore, in agreement with his trusty narrator Jiminy Cricket, he decided to tell it and play it as it was, without mincing words and without further lengthening of the nose.

Here then is an irreverent show, caustic like soda and magical like a lucid dream, where the words and electro-acoustic sounds of the two musicians will guide you through a crazy journey among crazy but at the same time fragile characters, with dark circles and beautifully humans.

See upcoming concerts.


• Marco Bassoons: electronics, guitars, lyrics, Jiminy Cricket

• Jacopo Mariotti: cello, electronics, percussion

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